Come on in, the water's great!

This water is great because it is joined with God's Word and includes his promises. We at St. John are overjoyed with every opportunity to welcome into our fold another of God's sheep by way of Baptism. Whether it is an infant being baptized with family gathered around or an adult coming to faith later in life - we stand in awe of the work of the Holy Spirit to turn hearts to faith. Our St. John family is committed to providing those being baptized with continuing opportunities to grow in faith. What a blessing baptisms are for us - and also for you! To know God is making promises to you or your child is profoundly comforting. Being able to mark the date and place that God placed his name upon his beloved child is greatly reassuring. Feel free to contact our pastoral staff for any questions concerning this most gracious gift from God.

For more information, please get in touch with the church office.